Company Overview
Started by Chris Jones and Leigh Morgan who have over 70 years experience between them in this market sector, CJ-POS quickly established itself selling traditional Cash Register and EPoS systems into the hospitality market. In 2002, we had an enquire from the National Show Caves of Wales for a touchscreen based ticket admission system. We approached ICRTouch, and they produced a driver for a ticket printer. The system is still in use, and we have been ICRTouch partners ever since making us the longest established ICRTouch partner in Wales.
The backbone of our success in this sector has been the combination of ICRTouch software and MonitorPOS hardware, which has proved to be so reliable. WE have several customers still using their original systems and many more that we have upgraded.
We are very pleased to be an authorised reseller for ICRTouch software, as it is one of the best-known software packages in the hospitality sector in the UK, with over 100,000 licenses sold. Their range of packages cater for all types of hospitality businesses, large or small.